I have one of many accounts, Gmail and otherwise, with constant sync issue. It’s the oldest account that I have, so not sure if that’s anything.
I’ve tried all the normal things and have thoroughly scoured the 'net for info, so posting here because I’m at wit’s end.
The last couple of things that I tried were to delete and add the account, scooting over to GMail along the way to delete MailSpring from OAuth apps.
Here’s the log. Any help would be appreciated deeply.
Mailspring Version: 1.10.8-8ea2a61f
Platform: linux
Account State: sync_error
Account Provider: gmail
IMAP Server: imap.gmail.com
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
*** ??:? GoogleContactsWorker::paginateGoogleCollection(string, string, string, function)
*** ??:? GoogleContactsWorker::run()
*** ??:? runCalContactsSyncWorker()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#4}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:21.964] [main] [info] Identity created at 1574816549 - using ID Schema 1
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:21.967] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (rayparkerbassplayer@gmail.com) ---------------
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:21.978] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting...
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:21.979] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for d49b9c14
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:22.166] [background] [info] Marking all folders as `busy`
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:22.169] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:22.751] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:23.499] [background] [info] Sync loop deleting unlinked messages with phase 2.
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:23.505] [background] [info] Sync loop complete.
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:23.979] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - [Gmail]/All Mail: modseq 28954505 to 28954505, uidnext 394118 to 394118
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:24.030] [foreground] [info] Idling on folder [Gmail]/All Mail
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:36.971] [metadataExpiration] [info] Scanning for expired metadata
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:36.971] [metadataExpiration] [info] -- Will wake for next expiration in 7200sec
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:47.868] [calContacts] [critical]
*** Mailspring Sync
*** An abort error (SIGABRT) occurred during program execution:
*** system functions that detect corrupt state.
784858 [2023-04-30 01:13:47.959] [calContacts] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** (unknown) gsignal()
*** (unknown) abort()
*** ??:? nlohmann::basic_json const& nlohmann::basic_json::operator[](char const*) const
*** ??:? GoogleContactsWorker::applyJSONToContact(shared_ptr, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** GoogleContactsWorker.cpp:? GoogleContactsWorker::run()::{lambda(nlohmann::basic_json)#1}::operator()(nlohmann::basic_json) const
*** ??:? GoogleContactsWorker::paginateGoogleCollection(string, string, string, function)
*** ??:? GoogleContactsWorker::run()
*** ??:? runCalContactsSyncWorker()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#4}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()