Is this project dead?

I can maybe shed a little bit of light on some of the questions.

For the pro features the are some servers running. The subscription money is used to pay the server rent and for the most part to cover necessary certificates/checks for Google & macOS. The sole maintainer is dependent on his full time job to live. You can find don’t more information about this here: A free, open-source future for Mailspring

I started contributing to see some features like color-coded mail accounts as the Thunderbird plugin I used for this use case was discontinued and I war looking for some mail software that I liked. I try to fix the bugs and minor issues that I see, but I also depend on my paid work and I don’t have the knowledge to fix any sync related bugs. So anybody who wants to chip in there is highly welcome.

So Mailspring is sometimes a bit slower than might be wished, but definitely still alive.


Thanks for your reply, @Phylu.
There are a few annoying issues in the client. So my hands are itching (is this good English? At least it is a Dutch saying) to dive into the source code and improve it. I hope to have time for that soon.

In German, I would say that my pinky is itching. :smiley:
If you have any questions regarding the code, let me know and I will try to help.