Apple Theme for Mailspring

Version: 1.0.1

This theme is based on Apple Mail (iMail/iCloud Mail)
I used Jamie Wilson’s ( Darkside theme as a base template.

Only tested on Windows.

Requires Mailspring avatars addon


Note: I am not affiliated with apple at all

Hey does this theme work for Macos?

Yes. It should work. I have only tested on Windows. Please Tell me if there are any problems.

okay thank you I will let you know

Great and I might download a VM for Linux and Mac to test it out

That is a good idea for testing

Quick message to let you know I couldn’t get this theme to install on mailspring on mac. It said:

The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you’re the developer, update the package.json’s engines field to include “mailspring”.

For more information, see this migration guide:

I’ll try and test it out again when it’s updated :slight_smile:

had the same issue.
you can just add
“mailspring” : “*”
in the package.json under the “engines” section until it is fixed

Thanks for the heads up!

I actually tried that but couldn’t get it to work the first time. Didn’t realize the problem was that it was missing a space between “mailspring” and the “:” - working now! :slight_smile:

Thank you! I fixed it. While working on the theme, I installed it by moving the folder in the packages directory.

It’s a really nice theme, thanks.
I noticed a bug on Linux, these buttons look weird:


It’s work fine in a MacBook Air 2020 with macOS Monterey.

Could you create a new one for the DARK Apple theme :grinning:


Any chance of a dark version of the macOS theme?


Yes, a DARK Apple version would be nice to have! Especially if you can switch between dark/light for the message body itself (like the Outlook Mail client does on a Mac).

I came here to also request Dark Theme support… might give my hands at it and see what I can do with Color - Foundations - Human Interface Guidelines - Design - Apple Developer

Thanks for making the theme… this is great!!

p.s. - @Apple last seen Nov 1, '22 :cry:

I can confirm this bug happens on linux.

For anyone using this theme on Mac (or I assume Linux) in 2024, you can fix the button issue by editing the apple-toolbars.less file; removing the following portion of the style returns the buttons to their default arrangement (ie fixes the button problem).

Remove all of this:

.sheet-toolbar .button-group .btn.btn-toolbar:last-child {
  margin-left: -6px !important;
  border-right: 1px solid #ECECEC !important;
  height: 14px !important;
  display: inline-grid !important;
  transform: translateY(6px) !important;
  margin-right: -11px !important;

You can fix the alignment of the “people” button by changing the following line to have “translate” values of 5 and 5, and further tweak it by adding a slight amount of padding on the right.

#sheet-container > div > div.sheet-toolbar > div > div.toolbar-MessageList > div > button {
  transform: translate(10px, 6px) !important;

Change to

#sheet-container > div > div.sheet-toolbar > div > div.toolbar-MessageList > div > button {
  transform: translate(5px, 5px) !important;
  margin-right: 2px !important;



Thanks a lot for this. BTW do you know which part of the code needs to be removed to completely remove the Avatar option? I don’t have the plugin installed, but the spacing is a bit out when viewing the emails in the message list

Avatars worked for me so I didn’t check but I’ll have a look and see!

Thanks, that worked perfectly for me. (Linux)