Building on Windows

Lost of errors when running the
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools


@ejbiker93ss I moved this post to a new thread, so that we don’t mix it up with the feature suggestion of the original Make Threading/Conversation View Optional one.

If I remember correctly, the windows-build-tools are deprecated as the warning says. This is probably the reason why it can’t be installed.

I will check my Windows build setup for you. From my experience it is a bit cumbersome to ensure that all the build dependencies for Windows are installed in a way that everything builds properly. Maybe my setup can help you figure out why you are having issues. And probably update the file on the way.

I am using the following setup:

It could be that I got problems with newer node versions as it was not compatible with the windows-build-tools anymore. But I don’t remember exactly. I always just cheer when the build is running on Windows as it is so much more complicated then the setup of the build system on Mac or Linux. :wink:

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Thanks! I’m a dot net dev, and this is extremely foreign to me. It’ll probably go a while before I have time to learn how to work with this environment