Caching Recent Mail


Hello, New to Mailspring, happy to be part of the group, overall very nice job! Well Done! I would love to donate to the guys or gals putting in the development hours on this project! Let me know how I can do that, I certainly don’t just want to take, I want to give back so I have an option other than the outlook/mail of the world or the Ukraine based companies.

I would however love to have some help understanding why the application has been “Caching Recent Mail” for days/weeks. Seams like it started after adding an iCloud address that I have about 20K emails in the inbox and sub folders.

To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add iCloud email account with tons of mail. :slight_smile:

If it’s really still building a library or downloading something it would be nice to show a progress bar and percentages so I know what’s up.


Using Version 1.10.3

OSX - 12.2.1
Apple M1 Pro (MacBook Pro)
Mailspring Public Download was my installer.

If this has already been asked, then please feel free to merge this into the current project to resolve.