Changing default window and pane sizes and position

When I start Mailspring, the window opens in a default position and size, and the panes likewise open in default sizes. Then I change these. Is there a way to have Mailspring remember the window position and size, and the panes’ sizes, so I don’t have to modify these each time I start the app?

Also, I would like not to see the pane on the far right that shows the sender and recipients. Can I get rid of this and have Mailspring remember that choice?

Thanks for any help.

Not a very active community, I guess.

Annoying how the window size resets every time I start the app. I found out today that it can save them. Go to Edit → Preferences → Appearance, then click on “Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu”.

I found Preferences>Appearance, but there’s no option “Custom window frame and right-hand menu.” checking for updates says I have the latest. I’m using windows 10.