Clicking notification does not focus mailspring


On Pop_OS! 20.04 when mailspring displays a notification, clicking on the notification will make the notification disappear but not focus the mailspring window nor display the page related to that notification

To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have mailspring open
  2. Click on a notification stating a new email has been received
  3. The notification disappears but nothing else happens

Expected Behavior

The active window changes to mailspring and mailspring displays the email within the email pane



  • OS and Version: Pop_OS! 20.04
  • Mailspring Version: 1.7.8-13635bcf

Additional Context

Gnome Version: 3.36.3

Notification settings:

(Originally posted by alexandradeas on GitHub.)

This is not only on Pop_OS!, it happens on Windows 11 as well. Knowing whether Mailspring will focus or not when clicking on a notification is uncertain. Can we raise the priority of this bug fix? It seems to have been reported a long time ago.


do we have an issue created for windows? otherwise I’ll create one.