Contribution Workflow

We use Discourse for bug reports, feature suggestions, and all discussion thereof. When it’s time to work, however, we use GitHub for actual development.

If you want to work on an issue, here’s the workflow:

Step 1: Create an Issue

On GitHub, create a New Issue describing your objective. Use the template to guide you, and be sure to include links back to any related Discourse topics.

Please create a new Issue, even if there’s an old (and probably locked) related bug report or feature request on GitHub. We like to keep the new things separate from the old.

This provides an opportunity to write a developer-focused summary of the goal, along with any testing notes and development references that are related. Because all the initial conversation is on Discourse, the GitHub Issue can focus only on the details which have been confirmed.

Be sure to tag the issue and assign it to yourself when you first create it.

Step 2: Reference on Discourse

Be sure to post a link to the GitHub Issue you created in Step 1 on the relevant topic(s) on Discourse, so it’s easy to move between them.

Step 3: Create Your Pull Request

Clone or fork the Mailspring repository and start development. See for more on this process.

When you submit your PR, please indicate that it Resolves #XX, where XX is the issue number from step 1.