Creating a new theme - help


I like Mailspring very much and I wanted to create a theme that matches Pop OS colours. Without any programmer knowledge I tinkered (more or less trial and error :slight_smile: ) with the Mailspring theme starter and changed some colours. However, I am not able to change the accent colour of the badges marked with arrows. Can you, please, help me, how to do it?

Many thanks in advance. Best wishes,


Ok, never mind. I found a solution :sunglasses:

Hello, in order to get any progress you need to learn how to inspect the interface. In the Developer menu you toggle developer toggle (CTRL-ALT-I), which should bring up the developer tools window. From there you can use the inspect function (the icon in the top-left corner) to get information about any element in the interface.

Unfortunately, the names of the variable do not appear in this context, so you have to trace back the hex values (#aabbcc) to the variable, but it is still a huge help.

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thank you very much. Yes, I tried this one and it worked.
Best wishes,
