How are you deleting the draft? Because I do this all the time and have never seen the behaviour you report.
Are you deleting the draft by:
clicking the trash button under the message?
going to the drafts folder, selecting the draft and then clicking the trash button?
hitting the Delete key while editing the draft?
If you’re doing either of the first two, that sounds like a bug, so the more detail you can give the better.
If it’s the last of these, what you’ve actually done isn’t to ask for the draft to be deleted but for the thread to be deleted. This is a consequence of the fact that Mailspring operates on the thread by default when you’re viewing it, which has a number of irritating results (like moving a thread to a folder moving the entire thread, including sent messages).
I had been doing no. 1. No. 2 works fine. Also, note that No. 1 is only an issue if the email thread is really old and long. Let’s say 1 year old or so.
I managed to see the same things in my side, and many times, and just recently I saw that this is because I delete draft that the thread is also deleted
I just got this bug again, when I went to the trash I found an email chain which I didn’t deleted. If you want to reproduce the bug you should go to the trash to verifiy that there is nothing inside it, it doesn’t warn you when the chain is deleted !
I think it’s more easy to reproduce than you think, but I don’t have a protocol to reproduce it, since we need to have a chain of mails before beginning.
If you remove the thread from the trash and try again, is it treated the same way? That is, is the bug repeatable for a particular thread or is it more random?
the biggest pain here is that the trashed emails stop being visible in search, so I often don’t even know that I’m missing something when searching for a specific thing through my inbox.
This has been a daily issue for me in at least the last 10 versions of mailspring on all versions of Mac OS X since early 2020.