Customer service

No one responds to questions and that is a problem.

I am getting false Open reports. Not only do I get a notification that it was opened by the recipient when I’m the one who opens it, I’m not getting a notification that the recipient opened it when I didn’t open it… but it was simply in the list of emails showing in my screen. These issues make the app meaningless and useless.

Creating, updating, and maintaining an email program is very complicated. It sounds like this is a project by a single guy, and that life is getting in the way. It’s impressive that he’s conceived something this good, and that he’s made it this far, but I don’t think this is a project that one person can handle long-term. I’ll be keeping an eye on it, but I jumped ship for the time being. There are too many major bugs, and no communication from developers is a terrible sign for the future. If things pick up, this will be my email of choice. If not, I’ll keep waiting for someone else to get it together.

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Yup, on the same page as you. This could be the Number One email platform for Mac. Just so much going for it. But it appears to have been abandoned, or at least, no longer in further development. What a shame as I would pick this over Spark, Airmail, Canary and Apple Mail any day of the week.