Customize auto-advance behavior upon archive/delete

This is a Gmail feature I’m discovering I sorely miss.

When you click into an email and archive it, instead of being returned to the inbox, it auto-advances you to the next conversation. You can also choose whether you want to auto-advance to the next newer or next older conversation.

(Originally posted by leggomyinfo on GitHub.)

I have tested the issue. It seems that the behaviour is exactly, as requested. When I archive or delete an e-mail the next e-mail thread is automatically opened.

So in my opinion, this should be closed.

@Phylu One part here, though, is the option to proceed to next or previous. Worth renaming and keeping open for that?

After archiving an email, the next or previous email in the inbox is shown.

I would like to have the option of archiving without opening any email afterward (just returning to the list of emails in the inbox).

(Originally posted by ghuba on GitHub.)

From what I can see this is only true if you have the reading pane open. If you don’t have the reading pane open, click on a message to read it, then archive or delete it you bounce back to the inbox view. One thing I love about Geary is that in this case it opens the next message and doesn’t take you back to the inbox. I sort of fell in love with this behavior as I can have a really compact view (half a FHD screen) with no reading pane and go through a whole bunch of messages very quickly just by clicking archive or delete while they are open for reading. Would be good of this was a setting that could be toggled.

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On deleting a message, the selection should move to older message than newer message

Do you have any prioritization regarding this?

After reading an email and finishing my email reading session, I don’t want that the next email is opened, thus marking it as read and potentially missing it in the future.

The ideal in my opinion is to customize between: move to newer message, move to older message, move to inbox…

It’s been years and it’s still not implemented :frowning: IMHO, an e-mail client cannot miss this feature, it is a must! As Antonio said, especially for users who use e-mails a lot, the mail client must NOT bounce here and there by itself marking any messages as read causing it to be overlooked and get forgotten. I can jump on any e-mail I see fit myself, I don’t need the mail client to tell me which mail I should read next.

So please count me in for this feature request and please implement this option.