This is a Gmail feature I’m discovering I sorely miss.
When you click into an email and archive it, instead of being returned to the inbox, it auto-advances you to the next conversation. You can also choose whether you want to auto-advance to the next newer or next older conversation.
I have tested the issue. It seems that the behaviour is exactly, as requested. When I archive or delete an e-mail the next e-mail thread is automatically opened.
From what I can see this is only true if you have the reading pane open. If you don’t have the reading pane open, click on a message to read it, then archive or delete it you bounce back to the inbox view. One thing I love about Geary is that in this case it opens the next message and doesn’t take you back to the inbox. I sort of fell in love with this behavior as I can have a really compact view (half a FHD screen) with no reading pane and go through a whole bunch of messages very quickly just by clicking archive or delete while they are open for reading. Would be good of this was a setting that could be toggled.
After reading an email and finishing my email reading session, I don’t want that the next email is opened, thus marking it as read and potentially missing it in the future.
The ideal in my opinion is to customize between: move to newer message, move to older message, move to inbox…
It’s been years and it’s still not implemented IMHO, an e-mail client cannot miss this feature, it is a must! As Antonio said, especially for users who use e-mails a lot, the mail client must NOT bounce here and there by itself marking any messages as read causing it to be overlooked and get forgotten. I can jump on any e-mail I see fit myself, I don’t need the mail client to tell me which mail I should read next.
So please count me in for this feature request and please implement this option.