Double/single click on tray icon doesn't open app

To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Double/single click on tray icon

Expected Behavior

App should open as most other apps do.

Actual Behavior

A popup is shown, needing another click at “Open Inbox”


  • OS and Version: Linux (Manjaro KDE) x64
  • Mailspring Version: 1.7.8-13635bcf

I don’t think, that we should change the current behaviour. In my opinion, this is consistent with the behaviour of other software. Compare the screenshots of Mailspring, Telegram and Nextcloud:


Not sure, how Windows applications behave, but none of the applications that I have tested on Ubuntu or MacOS opened the main window when clicking on the tray icon.

So, I’m thinking this sounds more like a feature request than a bug, and probably best handled by a plugin?

Duplicate Issues:

The pattern I’ve seen system tray apps use (and which I really like) is right click for details/menu, left click to directly open.

Right now both left and right open the menu, which is a waste of actions-- and feels very unnatural. Left clicking to open and right clicking for menu is what users are conditioned for with desktop icons and online links/buttons.

I would love to see this feature implemented (and honestly I’d consider it more of a bug than a feature request)