Gold Rounded Box in lower left corner with text: “One or more accounts are having connection issues” and Text Button: “Try Now” appears frequently or after manual F5 sync. Clicking “Try Now” has message Box disappear for a few seconds then reappear. Using ISP “RCN” Imap and Smtp, see port info
under “Email Provider” below.
Email Provider
RCN | Standard: imapDOTrcnDOTcom (Port 143) Or SSL: imapDOTrcnDOTcom - (Port 993) [Tried Both, same message]
smtpDOTrcnDOTcom alternate port- (Port 587) TLS with smtp on port 587 is currently enabled
This is a daily problem for me “connection issues”. Im on an imac running 10.13.6, with Mailspring 1.9.2 (1.9.2).
So that little brown box appears often. I have only 2 accounts in mail spring - Gmail and a Network Solutions accounts. Cannot tell which is having connection issues. Problem is not prompted by any specific action. would be helpful if this connection stuff would not happen. But, now that it is, it would be good to know which account(s) are have the connection issues.
Sebastian, Glad to find someone with same issue. Also, don’t know if you have these other issues: deleted, and previously opened emails, coming back as unopened emails in my in box, and unable to delete emails from the trash on one account.
I am also having this issue on a Zimbra backend server. I’m connecting to it with IMAP - only account in the app and it’s a persistent error. I tell it to retry but it always comes back.
I’m having this issue for years. Previously, I was using it under a Linux distro and i thought there was a packaging / compatibility issue and didn’t care much. Now, i’m using Mailspring under latest macOS Monterey update, and having the issue multiple times a day. It makes the client pretty useless for me. Account wise, all i’m using is 4 gmail - google workspace accounts, nothing weird, nothing fancy.
I just started Mailspring a few days ago. It worked fine at first but now I’m getting that “one or more accounts are having connection issues” message. I’ve only added one account to Mailspring so far and I’m still able to access the emails to that account using a different app. Clicking on “Try now” does nothing not even making it disappear for a few seconds. What’s causing this and how do I fix it?
I’m using Version 1.10.5-1ce06f18
Same on windows, its an everyday problem, i have to reconnect or empty all the caches to make it work for some time, on linux i havent this problem, do mailspring is really compatible with windows ?
Same Issue on M$ Surface Book 3, I mention the make of laptop, cos I’m running Mailspring on 4PCs with mostly same accounts and only this one has issues… I have this problem for more than 6 months, I tried a clean reinstall of Mailspring, worked for two weeks and it came back.
Im new to Mailspring and am trying to find solution to this problem, where it disconnects my Fastmail account. Is there any solution to this? It’s basically made Mailspring unusable. Does anyone know how I can check in Gmail if its connected to Mailspring? I didnt have this issue until I tried to add my gmail to Mailspring
Was there a solution to this? The box eventually goes away, but the next time it checks for new mail, the box comes back. So it’s essentially just there all the time.