Enlarge the image in the email

When I looked at the picture in the email I couldn’t zoom in to see the text, it’s very frustrating.

Same here. Look at my todays mail from my coworker. I have to open Gmail to see it. It was not small screenshot. But I can’t read it. At least we can able to double click to open it in Mailspring.

This is one of the most frustrating aspects of this email client.

I am on MacOS, and the only way I can figure out how to enlarge an image is to download it, then navigate to the file in Finder, then open it with Preview.

The best UX should be either pinch to zoom, or tap/double tap to open in a new window. At the very least, opening the email in its own window should let us increase the overall size of the email/image.

It’s an absolutely necessary feature.