Error when attempting to run mailspring from source

When I run "npm start", I get this error:

I am on windows 11.
This is what I have done:

  1. git cloned Mailspring.
  2. installed Node.js 16 using nvm,
  3. Installed platform build tools using "choco install python visualstudio2022-workload-vctools",
    The official guide says to run "npm install --global --production windows-build-tools" but this failed even when using version 4. I used the command above instead.
  4. Ran "npm install".
  5. Ran "npm start".

Has anyone had this problem before?

NPM install should have a post install hook, that downloads Mail sync via a got submodule. Maybe you can glance something from the NPM install logs in this regard.

Thankyou, I ran "npm install --loglevel verbose".
It gave me multiple errors, but I’m not sure what they mean:
npm-debug.log (1.1 KB)