GitHub: Invalid Issues

We no longer accept any bug reports, feature requests, or the like on GitHub Issues. The only template there is marked “CONTRIBUTORS ONLY”, and is for developer use only. There are links to Discourse on “New Issue” for Bug Reports, Feature Requests, and the like, so there is absolutely no excuse for people to miss it.

Moderator Actions

To save us all effort, all bug reports, sync issues, and feature suggestions that are reported on GitHub Issues need to be closed immediately, regardless of what they’re about.

If you encounter such an Issue, here’s what you do on GitHub:

Step 1: Comment and Close

As indicated on the issue template, we do not accept bug reports or feature suggestions on GitHub Issues anymore. Please use

After posting, do not respond to the thread further. We don’t want to give the poster the idea that they can circumvent the workflow.

Step 2: Lock and Tag

Lock the conversation, and tag it invalid. (If you don’t have the permissions to do this, you can skip this part. Admins will get notification anyway.)