So i’m quite a new Linux user and for starters i had major problems to make this app work.
So i’m on Fedora 37 KDE Plasma, i first downloaded the app/flatpack from the discover app store after which i started it for the first time and then the trouble started.
I skipped the make a mailspring account part and then i got an error about a Libsecret thingy. Bummer :s So now i had to figure out who this secret liberator was…" days later or so it felt" i checked if that Libsecret was installed on my system and it was but after a restart of my machine still got the error. I reinstalled Libsecret again and rebooted my PC and started mailspring again. Nope still couldn’t find that secret agent, seems he was pretty much undercover by this time.
Then i went down the rabbithole of the interweb to gather more intel, i wanted this thing to work. From the intel i saw i had to desinstall the flatpack from the discover store and download and install the one on the site here. Ok now that worked and i got past the Libsecret screen and managed to add my 365 account. So far so good. I also added my gmail account but had a few kinks with it, i wonder if it is because of the 2FA i got on it ???
Anyway now i got a working Mailspring client with my 2 mailaccounts on it. But then while browsing on the site i saw a theme i liked GitHub - hanny00/Blue-Mailspring-Theme
So i read the instructions:
1.Download the zip file by clicking on the green Clone or download button at the top right of the repo.
Ok done
2.Unzip the file that was downloaded into one folder of your choice.
Ok done
3.Open Mailspring
Ok done
4.Open the Mailspring menu EDIT of Mailspring
Ok not done here i get into trouble. What EDIT button ??? In the desktop app i have on the top left of the window a little envelope icon that gives me a dropdown box whit some settings but not EDIT or like what is mentioned in next step INSTALL THEME and just on the right of it i just have 3 little white dots that don’t do anything when i click on them.
5.Click on Install Theme… in the Mailspring menu
6.Find the Blue-Mailspring-Theme folder and click on it
7.Click the blue choose button and the theme will load 8.A Popup will shown up if you’re done
So yeah my question remains. How exactly do you find this EDIT button and the INSTALL THEME button ?