How do I launch Mailspring after Mailspring Shutdown (Win 10)

Ok. Mailspring became unresponsive so I had to End Task to force it closed.

Where the heck do I click to launch it again?

There are no desktop shortcuts, no icon to launch an exe anywhere. No icon called Mailspring under All Apps. No installation in the normal Windows locations and I have no clue what to double click in C:\Users\<Your User>\AppData\Roaming\Mailspring to launch the application. For us Windows dudes it would normally be an exe file but I see no exe file in the Mailspring Appdata Directory.

Anyone feel like rescuing a brother with a solution?

Thank you.

Is there another support channel where I can actually get answers?

I started using mailspring and enjoyed this new, better email software. It was not perfect. I kept having the White Screen of Death issues experienced by others here but despite this, decided it’s worth it for me to upgrade but before I could I experienced the above reported issue. I asked for help here 8 days ago and No Response.

Unfortunately, if there is zero support for even the simplest questions then using mailspring is not possible. I have had to go back to using Outlook (unfortunately).

I hope to eventually see a support channel for mailspring. Whenever that happens I’ll be able to start using the software.

I had the same issue using Win 11. No shortcuts on desktop or Start Menu. Reinstalled the program and used Task Manager to find it wile it was running. Program is installed in:

Programs installed into AppData is unacceptable. Not to mention very sketch. I also mod my Win installations so user profiles are stored a separate trusty mechanical drive. No wonder it ran so sluggish.

After the loathed UI change in Thunderbird was looking for an alternative. Mailspring is not it.