How to track sending problems?


I’m having an issue that bugs me for quite a long time and I can’t recall since when. The problem is, that my messages not always get sent and I have to manually check if they ware.
And I need something to track those issues to make a proper report.

To Reproduce…

The problem is that it’s not always the case, but:

  1. I press send message (not “send now instead”)
  2. Leave Mailspring running in the background
  3. Come back again find my message in the drafts instead of sent box.

Expected Behavior

  1. I press send message (not “send now instead”)
  2. Leave Mailspring running in the background
  3. Come back again find my message in sent box.


  • OS and Version: Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon
  • Installation Method: snap
  • Mailspring Version: 1.13

Additional Context

I get no notification if message could not be sent, and (I’m not sure) any sound notification it was sent, but it’s something my brain tends to ignore unless I’m manually checking if the message was sent.