Inbox: Plain Text View Option


Was hoping that there may be an option in the future to have a pref setting for view inbox as plain text. This would help a lot with security.

I just converted from Thunderbird which has this feature. I tried Bluemail which does not offer this option. I like Mailspring much more though. Thank you, Jeff
Thank you,

The Problem

Proposed Solution

Alternative Solutions


From the security perspective, you can uncheck “Automatically load images in viewed messages” from Settings > General to not load graphics by default.

I’m curious about additional security concerns you’d have with HTML.

Hi, I agree totally. Want to read emails in plain text to. Out of images I hate different text colors / styles / sizes. Just want to see the content of an email without any “phantastic” styles / designs. Further I can see the pure links in an email - yes, think this is a security option because you can see immediately if it is spam / scam / phishing / … if the URL doesnt fit to the sender.

Really should be a “must be” - option. Loved Mailspring but deleted therefor again. Pity …

Cheers Walhalla