Incorrect Flatpak program version

The flatpak uses a program version that doesn’t match the actual version of the program:

➜  ~ flatpak info com.getmailspring.Mailspring                                                                            

Mailspring - The best email app for people and teams at work

        ID: com.getmailspring.Mailspring
Referencia: app/com.getmailspring.Mailspring/x86_64/stable
Arquitectura: x86_64
        Rama: stable
    Versión: 1.9.2
    Licencia: GPL-3.0+
    Origen: flathub
Colección: org.flathub.Stable
Instalación: system
Instalada: 369,3 MB
    Runtime: org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/21.08
        Sdk: org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/21.08

    Commit: 41a9fafd21539834f5ffb380e96d71955d0d91b7287a5c67fd4d15ec132c0e53
    Padre: 29db0f51ac88ab98f136b9b928bb0059bc3314af88dadbcaa4e49607d1e9e101
    Asunto: Fix argument passing for start-mailspring (#6) (1f6af079)
    Fecha: 2022-01-25 05:41:10 +0000

If i check the commits, you can see that the application has been updated to 1.10.0:

 ➜  ~ flatpak remote-info --log flathub com.getmailspring.Mailspring
        ID: com.getmailspring.Mailspring
Referencia: app/com.getmailspring.Mailspring/x86_64/stable
Arquitectura: x86_64
        Rama: stable
Colección: org.flathub.Stable
    Descarga: 142,1 MB
Instalada: 370,3 MB
    Runtime: org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/21.08
        Sdk: org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/21.08

    Commit: 5bd3c5945d1b0a24dc4e3b5cfff5862c4499cb1ffdde5980cf635569a8fb5c85
    Padre: b287a508f8d066e0e12ce503d1d70b8a4742368e0979abc5ca2b7b738e59d199
    Asunto: Update com.getmailspring.Mailspring.yml (c2a7df40)
    Fecha: 2022-03-09 16:27:28 +0000

    Commit: b287a508f8d066e0e12ce503d1d70b8a4742368e0979abc5ca2b7b738e59d199
    Asunto: Update mailspring.deb to 1.10.0 (#7) (c1db7407)
    Fecha: 2022-03-09 08:04:24 +0000

I also noticed this. it shows as 1.9.2 but in fact i have 1.10.1 installed.