New messages notifications stopped working after updating to 1.15.0


After updating the app to 1.15.0, I no longer receive new messages notifications. No sound, no popup, just the tray icon becomes blue.

To Reproduce…

  • Update Mailspring from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0
  • Start it and close/minimize
  • Send yourself a letter from another email
  • See the tray icon becomes blue without any sound or notification popup

Expected Behavior

  • Notification with letter topic and sender appears, the corresponding sound is played as well.




  • OS and Version: Windows 10
  • Installation Method: GitHub release setup exe
  • Mailspring Version: 1.15.0

I have the same issue on Windows 11

Also the same issue on windows 11

I have the same issue too

Same Issue here! Any idea how to fix it? I’m using Windows 10.

Downgrade to 1.14.0 :frowning:

1 Like

Thanks, I uninstalled and reboot my Windows 10. After that I downloaded the Windows version from Release 1.14.0 · Foundry376/Mailspring · GitHub

However, after starting Mailspring automaticly Download the lastest version (1.15.0) and after I restarted the App It is now in the lastest version, How can I block Automatic upgrades for this App on Windows 10?

Wow, that’s nasty, I don’t know how to overcome this behavior

Open file explorer and go here: %localappdata%\Mailspring

Run the 1.14.0 installer (no need to uninstall 1.15.0)

As soon as 1.14.0 finishes installing and Mailspring opens rename “Update.exe” to “Update2.exe”
Then do CTRL+Q on Mailspring and reopen it

You have to do it quickly, before Mailspring checks that there is an update available. Remember to put “Update.exe” back to normal when this bug is fixed!

I am having the same issue. Reinstalling didn’t work.
An email client without notifications working is like a coffee machine without electricity.
Please, let’s get these working again :pray:

Fixed in 1.15.1 :tada:
Thank you guys

This is fixed by Remove windows “quiet hours” support since Windows 10 is EOL · Foundry376/Mailspring@738fb2e · GitHub in 1.15.1

Also the same issue on windows 11