No mail appears in the "sent mesages" if i don't write "In:Sent" in the search bar


Importante precision: I use mailspring since several years now. This bug is always here.

I have 2 email addresses from gmail.
Both are configured in the same way in mailspring in ‘Preferences/Folder’ and on gmail site.
But only one account displays correctly the “sent messages”.
For the other, I have to write “In:Sent” in the search bar to make the sent messages, from the selected mail box, appear.

Expected Behavior

Messages have to display without enter “In:Sent” in search bar

To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. select the first account in the sent section
  2. “No message” appears
  3. write “In:Sent” in the search bar
  4. Now the messages appear



  • OS and Version: Ubuntu Linux 22.04
    • Installation Method: deb
  • Mailspring Version: 1.15.1

Additional Context

The account on which appear this issue i th first in the list of mail accout in the side bar, i dont know if it’s important
