On a Mac, pressing Cmd+Enter to send a message adds another bullet to the list in the message text


I compose a message that has a bullet list. When I press Cmd+Enter to send the message, with the cursor at the end of the last bullet line, it adds another bullet to the list in the message text. The extra bullet becomes visible the moment after I press Cmd+Enter and stays visible until the message window part closes.

  • This seems to happen only in the in-thread editor window, not if popped out.
  • It doesn’t matter if the bullet list was created by clicking the toolbar button or by autoformatting (dash, then space.)
  • When it is a new message, that extra bullet appears only in the copy kept in my “Sent” folder, not at the recipient’s.
  • When I reply to or forward a message, that extra bullet appears both in the copy kept in my “Sent” folder, as well as at the recipient’s.

To Reproduce…

Reply to or forward a message. In your message make a bullet list. Do not pop out the compose window. Press Cmd+Enter to send the message, with the cursor at the end of the last bullet line.

Expected Behavior

No extra bullet


  • OS and Version: macOS 12.5.19
  • Mailspring Version: 1.10.5, sending delay enabled

Not Mac specific, I have the same issue on Windows

Yes, it is not platform-specific; it happens on Linux too.