Password Management Error after the latest Upgrade

@whitenoise565 were you able to fix permanently or do you always have to launch from CLI with the password-store switch? I am also trying to get this to work on EndaevourOS and am stuck, it only works if I open directly from terminal with password-store.

I have attempted to add an environment variable to set this globally for all chromium applications. Here is the feature request, linked there is also the code review:
If you would like to have this solution please help give this more exposure.

This issue is still occurring with the flathub version of mailspring as listed over here: Lib-No more-Secret by prateekmedia · Pull Request #35 · flathub/com.getmailspring.Mailspring · GitHub

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Seconded. Was using the flatpak with this error. Just switched to the snap and it’s working fine. /shrug