Prevent unified inbox focus switch

New to Mailspring and loving it.
Only one thing has been buggering me and that probably shouldn’t even be happening.

## The Problem

I use the unified inbox feature and manage 3 gmail accounts.
I keep the “Inbox” category focused to always get the list of all emails from all accounts.

When a new email arrives, I click on the notification and Mailspring does two thing:

  • Open the content of the email
  • Changes focus from all Inboxes to the one account that received the email

Screenshot 1 : Inbox is focused, I can see all my emails.
Screenshot 2 : I just clicked on a new email notification on Windows, the focus is switched to only on inbox

## Proposed Solution

The purpose of a shared inbox is to get all emails in one place.
This focus switch should not be happening or at the very least, should have a turn on/off feature in the options.
Or switch the focus back to where it was before opening the email, when the the email is marked as read (taking into account the “mark as read after x seconds” option).

It currently forces me to always click back on “Inbox” everytime I open a new email from a notification.