To Reproduce…
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Compose and send a message
- View the original message
- The bottom of the code
- Even with settings set to disable 'sent from mailspring,' it appears there is hidden code that adds this to messages anyway.
<img class="3D"mailspring-open"" al="t=3D"Sent" from Mailspring" width="3D"0""
height="3D"0"" style="3D"border:0;" widt="h:0;" height:0;"
src="3D"""3D7666349a&recipient=3DY29kZX=" loaW50QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ%3D%3D">
Expected Behavior
The complete removal of Sent from Mailspring in all outbound mails.Screenshots
- OS and Version: MacOS 15.4
- Installation Method: Installer
- Mailspring Version: 1.15.1