Stepping Back

I’ve really enjoyed helping Mailspring restart development and launch the new community. However, Monday is the beginning of a new adventure for me, as a Software Engineer at Canonical. :partying_face: I’m really excited about this!

However, between that and my other ongoing projects, I won’t have the time that I did in the months past. As such, as of last week, I’ve stepped down as the Volunteer Community Manager at Mailspring, and turned the reins back over to the project’s owner and lead developer, @bengotow.

It’s been an honor to help move this project along, and I’ll keep cheering it on from the sidelines! You may even see me jump in now and than. (I’ll also be keeping my mod badge for the foreseaable future in case Ben needs help putting out a fire now and then.)

See y’all around!


Congratulations on the new job, and thanks for relighting the fire here!


Thanks for all you’ve done! On the plus side Mailspring runs great on Ubuntu! :grinning:

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Thank you and good luck in your new endeavor!

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Congratulations on your new adventure, Jason! And thanks a lot for your invaluable contributions to the Mailspring community!