Threads are moved to the trash after sending an email reply


Threads are moved to the trash after sending an email reply. I’m often puzzled as to why this is happening, and finally noticed that the thread got moved to the trash after I send a reply.

To Reproduce…

Hard to reproduce consistently. Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make a reply to an email thread (Gmail).
  2. Observe that the thread subsequently gets moved to the trash folder

Expected Behavior

My threads should not be moved to the trash folder.




  • OS and Version:

    • Installation Method:
  • Mailspring Version:

  • OS: Fedora 37 Workstation (kernel - 6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64)

  • Installation method: Snap

  • Version: 1.10.7

Additional Context

This appears to be an issue with Gmail accounts.