Two Gmail Accounts, One works the other not so good

Both accounts are Google – The 2nd one won’t allow me to delete emails. I’ve tried deleting and re-adding the account in question. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work – Suggestions?

Maybe one is your personal Gmail and the other one is a Google Workspace account. I ran into the same problem. I figured out how to fix it: Look at the IMAP configuration of the working account and compare it to the one that is not working. Is IMAP set under Settings/Forwarding and IMAP/POP? Another thing to check is to make sure that under Settings/Labels “Show in IMAP” is set to TRUE for the label TRASH. The last thing was missing in my Google Workspace Gmail so it did not work.

@MAILSPRING → Please make sure to throw an ERROR to the user if she tries to delete and it does not work because of a missing Trash folder.