Using PgUp/PgDn to browse the inbox

The Problem

I can’t use PgUp/PgDn for keyboard navigation within Inbox and other folders.
Up and Down keys work, and move the cursor by 1 row (so keyboard navigation is possible).
Clicking on scrollbars above and below the handle moves by 1 page up and down, respectively (so the necessary calculations are already present in code).

Proposed Solution

I would like the PgUp and PgDn keys to act exactly like clicking on scrollbars does in folder navigation mode.

In addition, I would like to be able to enter the keyboard navigation mode more easily. In my current Compact theme it’s almost impossible to click on the message list without instantly opening a message (only a narrow margin on the left does the job correctly). If the keys Up, Down, PgUp and PgDn entered the keyboard navigation mode, one touch/pointer interaction could be avoided and the user could begin browsing the folder with keyboard alone right after opening the app.

Alternative Solutions

Configurable keyboard shortcuts can be added for possible mapping of other keys to these actions.


Inbox and other folders, keyboard navigation mode.