Hi, after updating to 1.9.1, same problem : disconnecting after closing.
Log :
Log 1
Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: linux
Account State: invalid
Account Provider: imap
IMAP Server: mail.zaclys.net
SMTP Server: mail.zaclys.net
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:33.441] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:33.442] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (xxx@zaclys.net) ---------------
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.685] [metadata] [critical]
*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:“https://id.getmailspring.com/deltas/a02842ac/head RETURNED {“statusCode”:401,“error”:“Unauthorized”,“message”:“Bad username or password”,“attributes”:{“error”:“Bad username or password”}}”,“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.686] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.700] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.701] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (xxx@zaclys.net) ---------------
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:35.891] [metadata] [critical]
*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:“https://id.getmailspring.com/deltas/a02842ac/head RETURNED {“statusCode”:401,“error”:“Unauthorized”,“message”:“Bad username or password”,“attributes”:{“error”:“Bad username or password”}}”,“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:35.891] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
I can not connect to my Gmail account (appened also with 1.9.0). I tried to remove and add again the account without success.
Log :
Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: linux
Account State: invalid
Account Provider: gmail
IMAP Server: imap.gmail.com
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.646] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.647] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (xxx@gmail.com) ---------------
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.651] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting…
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.654] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for efa2e010
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:55.675] [background] [info] Marking all folders as busy
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:55.676] [background] [info] Syncing folder list…
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.078] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream closed.
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.119] [metadata] [critical]
*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:"https://id.getmailspring.com/deltas/efa2e010/streaming?p=linux&ih=imap.gmail.com&cursor=0 RETURNED ",“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.119] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltasBlocking()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.137] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.137] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (xxx@gmail.com) ---------------
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.142] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting…
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.143] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for efa2e010
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.312] [background] [info] Marking all folders as busy
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.313] [background] [info] Syncing folder list…
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.616] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream closed.
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.727] [metadata] [critical]
*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:"https://id.getmailspring.com/deltas/efa2e010/streaming?p=linux&ih=imap.gmail.com&cursor=0 RETURNED ",“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.727] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltasBlocking()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()