Accounts get disconnected after closing Mailspring

Hi, after updating to 1.9.1, same problem : disconnecting after closing.
Log :

Log 1

Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: linux
Account State: invalid
Account Provider: imap
IMAP Server:
SMTP Server:
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:33.441] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:33.442] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync ( ---------------
1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.685] [metadata] [critical]

*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:“ RETURNED {“statusCode”:401,“error”:“Unauthorized”,“message”:“Bad username or password”,“attributes”:{“error”:“Bad username or password”}}”,“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}

1949 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.686] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.700] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:34.701] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync ( ---------------
1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:35.891] [metadata] [critical]

*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:“ RETURNED {“statusCode”:401,“error”:“Unauthorized”,“message”:“Bad username or password”,“attributes”:{“error”:“Bad username or password”}}”,“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}

1977 [2021-04-17 10:45:35.891] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? PerformRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformJSONRequest(void*)
*** ??:? PerformIdentityRequest(string, string, nlohmann::basic_json const&)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltaCursor()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

I can not connect to my Gmail account (appened also with 1.9.0). I tried to remove and add again the account without success.
Log :


Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: linux
Account State: invalid
Account Provider: gmail
IMAP Server:
SMTP Server:

*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.646] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.647] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync ( ---------------
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.651] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting…
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:54.654] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for efa2e010
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:55.675] [background] [info] Marking all folders as busy
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:55.676] [background] [info] Syncing folder list…
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.078] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream closed.
12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.119] [metadata] [critical]

*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:" RETURNED ",“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}

12519 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.119] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltasBlocking()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.137] [main] [info] Identity created at 1579876885 - using ID Schema 1
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.137] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync ( ---------------
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.142] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting…
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:56.143] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for efa2e010
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.312] [background] [info] Marking all folders as busy
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.313] [background] [info] Syncing folder list…
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.616] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream closed.
12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.727] [metadata] [critical]

*** Mailspring Sync
*** An exception occurred during program execution:
*** {“debuginfo”:" RETURNED ",“key”:“Invalid Response Code: 401”,“retryable”:false,“what”:“std::exception”}

12544 [2021-04-17 11:46:57.727] [metadata] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:? ValidateRequestResp(CURLcode, void*, string)
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::fetchDeltasBlocking()
*** ??:? MetadataWorker::run()
*** main.cpp:? main::{lambda()#5}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:? _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:? thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:? execute_native_thread_routine()

1 Like


Sorry to say - but the new update did not fix the problem :frowning_face:

My accounts are still being disconnected after I close Mailspring. Is there any way I can help by giving log files or something?

Unfortunately, I also still have the same issue. Here is a new log for it:

5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:03.755] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync ( ---------------
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:03.765] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting...
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:04.267] [metadata] [info] Received metadata V5 for (message - DLFxR6fiWq2sFBJofXxNibXavgUdGJ88vXeuyfumK)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:04.267] [metadata] [info]  -- Saved on to local model.
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:05.150] [metadata] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=applyMetadataJSON > 80ms (937ms, 53 waiting to aquire)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:05.151] [metadata] [info] Received metadata V5 for (message - DLFxR6fiWq2sFBJofXxNibXavgUdGJ88vXeuyfumK)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:05.151] [metadata] [info]  -- Ignored. Local model has >= version.
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:05.152] [metadata] [info] Received metadata V5 for (message - DLFxR6fiWq2sFBJofXxNibXavgUdGJ88vXeuyfumK)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:05.152] [metadata] [info]  -- Ignored. Local model has >= version.
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:06.760] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for 8e658ff2
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:06.883] [background] [info] Marking all folders as `busy`
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:06.885] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:08.291] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:08.577] [background] [info] syncFolderUIDRange for [Gmail]/Alle Nachrichten, UIDs: 129123 - 129131, Heavy: true
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:09.311] [background] [info] - remote=1, local=0
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:09.593] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - [Gmail]/Alle Nachrichten: modseq 10019570 to 10020669, uidnext 129123 to 129131
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:10.266] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Changes since HMODSEQ 10019570: 10 changed, 0 vanished
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:10.412] [background] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=insertMessage > 80ms (1101ms, 0 waiting to aquire)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:10.788] [background] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=retrievedMessageBody > 80ms (214ms, 0 waiting to aquire)
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:11.057] [background] [info] syncFolderUIDRange for [Gmail]/Alle Nachrichten, UIDs: 127619 - 129131, Heavy: false
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:13.049] [background] [info] - remote=400, local=401
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:13.051] [background] [info] Unlinking messages  WHERE remoteFolderId = ? AND remoteUID IN (?) no longer present in remote range.
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:18.762] [metadataExpiration] [info] Scanning for expired metadata
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:18.763] [metadataExpiration] [info] -- Will wake for next expiration in 7200sec
5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:23.069] [background] [critical] 
*** Mailspring Sync 
*** A C++ exception occurred during program execution: 
*** database is locked

5235 [2021-04-18 09:53:23.101] [background] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** ??:?        exceptions::logCurrentExceptionWithStackTrace()
*** ??:?        runBackgroundSyncWorker()
*** main.cpp:?  main::{lambda()#3}::operator()() const
*** main.cpp:?  _Bind_simple::operator()()
*** main.cpp:?  thread::_Impl::_M_run()
*** thread.o:?  execute_native_thread_routine()

Still not working on 1.9.1. I’m trying to work with 16 accounts. And got such errors on all of them:

Platform: darwin
Account State: sync_error
Account Provider: gmail
IMAP Server:
SMTP Server:
*** in mailsync  main::$_6::operator()() const
*** in mailsync  void* __thread_proxy(void*)
*** in mailsync  thread_start()

3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:46.365] [main] [info] Identity created at 1617688417 - using ID Schema 1
3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:46.366] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (*** ---------------
3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:46.373] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting...
3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:48.374] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for 582007e3
3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:48.988] [background] [info] Marking all folders as `busy`
3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:59.247] [background] [critical] 
*** Mailspring Sync 
*** A C++ exception occurred during program execution: 
*** database is locked

3557 [2021-04-22 11:27:59.299] [background] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** in mailsync  exceptions::logCurrentExceptionWithStackTrace()
*** in mailsync  runBackgroundSyncWorker()
*** in mailsync  main::$_6::operator()() const
*** in mailsync  void* __thread_proxy(void*)
*** in mailsync  thread_start()

3756 [2021-04-22 11:27:59.481] [main] [info] Identity created at 1617688417 - using ID Schema 1
3756 [2021-04-22 11:27:59.482] [main] [info] ------------- Starting Sync (*** ---------------
3756 [2021-04-22 11:27:59.488] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting...
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:01.493] [background] [info] Fetching XOAuth2 access token (gmail) for 582007e3
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:01.598] [background] [info] Marking all folders as `busy`
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:01.711] [background] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=markAllFoldersBusy > 80ms (112ms, 111 waiting to aquire)
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:01.711] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:13.287] [background] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=syncFoldersAndLabels > 80ms (9955ms, 9954 waiting to aquire)
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:13.287] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:14.483] [metadataExpiration] [info] Scanning for expired metadata
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:14.483] [metadataExpiration] [info] -- Will wake for next expiration in 7200sec
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:14.846] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - [Gmail]/All Mail: modseq 9968281 to 9969277, uidnext 225186 to 225202
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:15.869] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Changes since HMODSEQ 9968281: 27 changed, 0 vanished
3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:23.639] [background] [critical] 
*** Mailspring Sync 
*** A C++ exception occurred during program execution: 
*** database is locked

3756 [2021-04-22 11:28:23.709] [background] [critical] *** Stack trace (line numbers are approximate):
*** in mailsync  exceptions::logCurrentExceptionWithStackTrace()
*** in mailsync  runBackgroundSyncWorker()
*** in mailsync  main::$_6::operator()() const
*** in mailsync  void* __thread_proxy(void*)
*** in mailsync  thread_start()

@bengotow I hope you haven’t forgotten about us :sob:

1 Like

He hasn’t. Remember - Ben, like the rest of us, does this in addition to full time work. You might not have noticed, but there are a lot of bugs and feature requests demanding attention…and very little development time to work on them.

As a rule, asking for updates, status, or timeframe won’t hurry things along. That’s why the Code of Conduct includes the following:

  • Don’t “bump” conversations or tag individuals/groups with the sole purposes of speeding up response times.

If you want to help get a bug resolved or feature implemented quicker, here’s some things you can do, depending on your available time and skills:

  1. Vote. This raises the priority in planning. Anyone can do this.
  2. Help diagnose. Checking logs, testing out scenarios, or even digging around in the code if you’re up to the challenge all help move towards a resolution.
  3. Coordinate with other reporters. If you see similar bug reports, possible duplicates, or other posts with hints, helping get those individuals involved in diagnostics helps a lot!
  4. Attempting a PR. If you know anything about coding — even a little — you can check out the Mailspring source code from GitHub and try to fix the bug or implement the feature yourself. Even if you aren’t successful, or the fix isn’t ideal, the attempt still helps us!

And, of course, you can help just by being involved in the community: helping answer questions, triage bugs, and discuss features takes pressure off the developers, so they have time to focus on writing awesome code.

Hey folks! Thanks for reporting this and attaching the logs, it looks like there may be a few separate things going on here -

  • The “database is locked” issues seem to be specific to the new releases. We shipped 1.9.1 which added SQLite’s HAVE_USLEEP flag to reduce lock contention, but it looks like we might still have an issue there. @Phylu any chance you’re running from source and need to re-run npm install to get the rebuilt version of SQLite? Will see if I can reproduce today.

  • @kikoulol4485 , it looks like Mailspring is actually failing to log in to our backend services - any chance you deleted your Mailspring ID but are still logged in under Preferences > Subscription in the app? If you want to opt out of the Mailspring ID, you’ll need to click “Log Out” on that tab. If you didn’t mean to do any of the above, logging out and logging back in on Preferences > Subscription should fix it!

  • @Ruan-Kuypers - it looks like Mailspring is actually failing to log in to that account you pictured in the logs - we’re getting an authentication error from your IMAP service. I don’t think we’ve seen that before - it seems like Mailspring must be unable to write to your Windows Credential Vault or it’s being reset repeatedly. Can you try opening Credential Manager from the task bar search field and then looking for “Mailspring/Mailspring Keys” under Generic Credentials? If it’s not there that will help narrow down the problem!

Thanks for the heads-up !
I didn’t deleted my mailspring account. I’ve switch to snap package, and then the issue disappeared. So you must be right, mailspring ID related.

@bengotow - Hey! Yes, I have “Mailspring/Mailspring Keys” under my Generic Credentials. What now?


The “database is locked” issue happened on my installation from the .deb package. But somehow, it disappeared by itself. For a few days, I have no more problems here.

@bengotow Just an update, Yesterday I opened Mailspring and all my accounts loaded without any problems. This morning I opened Mailspring and the errors still occur. :grimacing:

I recently started having this same issue when I added a 4th email account. Every time I reopen Mailspring, it fails to connect and requires me to re-enter my IMAP/SMTP passwords (they seem to not be saved). I am on windows, and I do see “Mailspring/Mailspring Keys” in Windows Credential Manager, but it has not been modified since 2021-02-02 (well before I added my 4th account). I have not deleted my Mailspring ID or anything like that.

Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: win32
Account State: sync_error
Account Provider: imap
IMAP Server:
SMTP Server:
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.001] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Drafts: modseq 5 to 5, uidnext 2 to 2
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.186] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Archive: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.369] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Deleted Messages: modseq 2 to 2, uidnext 2 to 2
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.554] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Spam: modseq 7 to 7, uidnext 3 to 3
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.773] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Trash: modseq 5 to 5, uidnext 5 to 5
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:19.965] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Trash/HEY: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:20.150] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Mailspring: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:20.339] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Mailspring/Snoozed: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:20.339] [background] [info] Sync loop deleting unlinked messages with phase 2.
3808 [2021-05-06 12:57:20.339] [background] [info] Sync loop complete.
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:03.944] [foreground] [info] Idle exited with code 0
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:04.125] [foreground] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - INBOX: modseq 24 to 24, uidnext 10 to 10
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:04.126] [foreground] [info] Idling on folder INBOX
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:20.340] [background] [info] Syncing folder list...
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:20.731] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - INBOX: modseq 24 to 24, uidnext 10 to 10
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:20.915] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Sent: modseq 3 to 3, uidnext 2 to 2
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:21.097] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Drafts: modseq 5 to 5, uidnext 2 to 2
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:21.282] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Archive: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:21.476] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Deleted Messages: modseq 2 to 2, uidnext 2 to 2
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:21.662] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Spam: modseq 7 to 7, uidnext 3 to 3
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:21.915] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Trash: modseq 5 to 5, uidnext 5 to 5
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:22.148] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Trash/HEY: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:22.331] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Mailspring: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:22.511] [background] [info] syncFolderChangesViaCondstore - Mailspring/Snoozed: modseq 1 to 1, uidnext 1 to 1
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:22.512] [background] [info] Sync loop deleting unlinked messages with phase 1.
3808 [2021-05-06 12:59:22.512] [background] [info] Sync loop complete.

@Phylu So your accounts are no longer getting disconnected? What did you do to resolve it?

@bengotow I’ve deleted the credentials and completely deleted Mailspring using CC cleaner. I used a fresh installation and the problem still persists. Even tested it using only 3 accounts instead of 4.

@Ruan-Kuypers I didn’t change anything. So unfortunately, I can’t help you here.

If it helps, I have three accounts managed by Mailspring 1.9.1 and two of them consistently get sync errors. As far as I can tell, it isn’t happening upon closing Mailspring, but I don’t exactly know the cause. Reconnecting works fine, but only lasts about a day.

The strange thing is, I’m not receiving errors in the feed. The two accounts are both GMail. Here’s an example of the feed:

Mailspring Version: 1.9.1-30ef802f
Platform: win32
Account State: sync_error
Account Provider: gmail
IMAP Server:
SMTP Server:
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.826] [background] [info] -- UID (41210 to 41211)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.827] [background] [info] - Updating message pA6axoDsDvB4Heb6u46hL399Qbj5eQ15XnYZQUZq7
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.827] [background] [info] -- UID (92993 to 41208)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.827] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.829] [background] [info] - Updating message 8Hdnu3W1rFpYmEzGMBGs8k864G2fLTuGoEZWQy3rX
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.829] [background] [info] -- UID (92983 to 41202)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.829] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.829] [background] [info] -- XGMLabels (["\\Important"] to [])
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.830] [background] [info] - Updating message iYPzuEVE1iE3UkXZyU42KthTTHarapBVw4HTovjL2
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.830] [background] [info] -- UID (92973 to 41196)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.830] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.832] [background] [info] - Updating message hpC9y9VGmCBej8WB1hvMQDGNTckcxRcNey3bH3pd4
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.832] [background] [info] -- UID (92966 to 41192)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.832] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.833] [background] [info] - Updating message KN7sSQx6sJbRqvSz44ZSbH2q6z79KvUdpMnJGeCuZ
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.833] [background] [info] -- UID (92967 to 41191)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.833] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.835] [background] [info] - Updating message N9Az1fB84VHGfvmKbHGAjCkmmfPNK6zo4L9yyVx8p
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.835] [background] [info] -- UID (92960 to 41183)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.835] [background] [info] -- FolderID (qF5dNtVUZgC1qbQ7CkcFo76pxRqmknNqfDu5qPoDz to gMnPZhe4RbwoWThgyxaCJbm8S2GiSx8dbDnCecxcq)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:28.945] [background] [warning] [SLOW] Transaction=saveFolderStatus > 80ms (89ms, 89 waiting to aquire)
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:29.056] [background] [info] syncFolderUIDRange for [Gmail]/Spam, UIDs: 1 - 0, Heavy: false
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:29.281] [background] [info] - remote=0, local=0
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:29.303] [background] [info] Sync loop deleting unlinked messages with phase 2.
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:29.304] [background] [info] Sync loop complete.
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:43.229] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream closed.
10100 [2021-05-17 19:31:43.230] [metadata] [info] Metadata delta stream starting...

Any resolution available for above issue or should we give up on mailspring, obviously can’t continue with this issue and authorizing accounts every second day. Pls guide

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I’ve given up on it, went back to Outlook. It’s a great email client but having to log into all my email accounts every time I close the client is a pain in the but.

Hopefully, someone in the community finds a way to fix it :upside_down_face:

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I uninstalled and installed ver 1.7.8 and added accounts, then updated mailspring to 1.91 and it works

again same issue, accounts disconnected

cancel subscription, come back to thunderbird. It’s ugly but it works.