Deleted email (not in trash on server) still shown in Mailspring trash


One of the emails don’t get removed from my trash folder in Mailspring, even though it is removed on the mail server.

To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Click the button “empty trash now”
  2. Verify the email is still present in the trash folder in Mailspring
  3. Verify the email is not present anymore in the mailserver

Expected Behavior

The email should not show in the Trash folder anymore.



  • OS and Version: Pop_!OS 20.10
  • Installation Method: snap
  • Mailspring Version: 1.8.0

Additional Context

The email is not part of a thread of emails. It is 1 email.
The content of the email is not shown, also not when I restore it to the inbox.
When I restore the email to the inbox, then remove, the empty the trash, the email still remains in the trash.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Empty Trash Not Working

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