First message on the list ecliped by the toolbar

yes, this happens every time a new email arrives.

And did it start when you upgraded to Windows 11 or was it present earlier? (Or did you only start using Mailspring after your upgrade?)

I started using Mailspring after I was on Win11

I think I duplicated the issue in First message on the list ecliped by the toolbar - #3 by michal.fita

But I believe I better described the problem, even without putting the screenshot. I started using Mailspring on Windows 10 and I had problems with eclipsing, but at the bottom. I don’t remember if any eclipsing took place at the top - I can check that later on my other machine that’s still on Windows 10.

This problem in may case appear from start of the application - first message (regardless unread or not) is eclipsed by the toolbar, resizing, minimizing, maximizing do not help - the first message on the list is always hidden.

@benflux I’ve just noticed this message in in the Help section, not the Bug Report section. I suggest you vote for my bug report: First message on the list ecliped by the toolbar

@JohnP @michal.fita I merged the two issues. Thanks for the report. :slight_smile:
What do you think: Could this also be the same issue as reported here? My first message doesn't appear in the list

Does this only happen with the vertically aligned reading pane, or also in the other views?

I will See, if I can reproduce the issue on a Windows Machine. I can’t promise anything, as I am usually not developing on Windows.

Thank you, @Phylu. I’ve just checked - the fresh install on Windows 10 doesn’t demonstrate the problem.

My first message doesn't appear in the list seems to have similar symptoms to mine. Switching views temporarily solves the eclipsing as well in my case (good to know some workaround).

Shutting down and reopening Mailspring doesn’t seem to cause the eclipsing on Windows 10.

I just installed Maillspring on a Windows 11 machine, and I don’t have this issue happening. So if you have any ise, how to reproduce it, it would be great.

Maybe you can also check the developer tools and see how the div with the class “column-ThreadList” and its children are aligned to see if it is a CSS issue or something else.

OK, first run is supposedly OK. In the view with reading at the bottom, exit the application (close window not enough, it sits in tray) and launch it again.

Unfortunately I am still not able to reproduce it. Even with multiple quitting the application, etc.

Does using the arrow keys to the top most email work as another workaround? I will try again probably over the weekend if I am lucky to reproduce it so I can look for a solution.

There’s another way to reproduce, however, it takes long time. Leave Mailspring running minimised for long (in my case overnight) and let a new mail come in the meantime. The row with a new message appears eclipsed after window is restored.

Still no luck with reproducing this. I also tried different screen resolutions and similar changes, But it seems that my Windows 11 like Mailspring more than yours…

I wonder if this is related:

The top is displayed correctly, but the bottom of the message lands under the edge of the window. I cannot scroll further as the scroll bard goes below the edge of the window as well.

It’s consistent for me. Are there logs I can supply anyone or anything like that?

Logs from GUI rendering?
I’ve tried to look at CSS, but except the fact most elements have fixed sizes in px I couldn’t see anything wrong, but I’m not the expert. The relationship between the container keeping the list of messages and the toolbar let’s the top of the list being rendered underneath it while the top edge should never start higher than the bottom of the toolbar.

I was just thinking of any logs I could supply that would help devs diagnose/replicate.

New finding.
When the view is OK, meaning no eclipse of the top message on the list, I replied to the message, then after sending the top message is again eclipsed.
Recycling the view to vertical pane and back to horizontal restores the right view till another reply takes place.

Yes, it is related to this. The email thread is at 100% height, but the toolbar above is taking up some room.

After a while, the chromium renderer just flips the overflow from the bottom to the top.

Made a PR for the fix.
