India requires additional payment verification and I can't pay for Mailspring

Can’t make payment for PRO in India kindly resolve immediately.


To Reproduce…

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected Behavior



  • OS and Version:
    • Installation Method:
  • Mailspring Version:

Additional Context

Can you please provide more information on where this happens and what error you are getting? A screenshot would be nice!

2 posts were split to a new topic: Pro Subscription not shown in Mailspring

Image with error details is attached. Kindly resolve the issue

@dharjai Thanks for the screenshot. I am not sure what exactly is the issue here and I am forwarding this to the maintainer.

@Phylu Thanks, hopefully someone will resolve the issue

Hey folks,

Thanks for reporting this – we upgraded our payment provider (Stripe) integration over the weekend and it now supports 3DSecure payment verification within the app and on the website. I believe you’ll see a modal appear with a security question / 2FA code prompt / bank login, and then it’ll succeed after you complete the prompt.

