Learn and customize keyboard shortcuts

Does Mailspring have any keyboard shortcuts? Can I customize them?

Mailspring comes pre-loaded with several common keyboard shortcut configurations. Go to Preferences > Shortcuts to change the set it uses.

To modify individual shortcuts, click one of the existing shortcuts printed in bold and type the key or keys that you’d like to associate with that action. To revert your changes and return to a standard shortcut set, click the “Reset to Defaults” button in the top right.

Nowhere is it described how to enter multiple shortcut keystrokes such as are shown and set in many of the defaults. In the example shown above, I see that both the “r” key and the “Super”+R key combination can be used to reply to a message. If I click the action box for Reply and try to enter multiple key combinations, it just shows something like “first then second”.

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Yes, I’ve try it in many ways, nothing works …

You can edit the config JSON file directly to add multiple mappings.

  1. Click the Edit custom shortcuts button
  2. When the folder is opened a keymap.json file is preselected, open it
  3. Edit the JSON file directly using an array to map multiple items, below is a screenshot showing the resulting GUI, the open file and the edit button (in that order)

Hi, is there any list of shortcuts I can use in the keymap.json file?
Specifically, I need a shortcut that downloads all attachments in an open email. Or at least scrolls down to where the attachments are in the email.
Many thanks!

I was struggling to find the name of “command” that tied to a menu item I wanted to add a custom keybinding for.

On the GitHub repo (GitHub - Phylu/Mailspring: 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.), I found the file app/menus/darwin.js. That showed all the menus for the Mac client and I could see things like:

{ label: localized(‘Move to Folder’) + ‘…’, command: ‘core:change-folders’ }

which let me figure out the command was called core:change-folders.

Hope that helps.

In the Shortcuts Preferences, in my Windows version of Mailspring, withthe Outlook-based configuration, it shows many key combinations as “mod+” something. There is no “mod” key on Windows! I can see that ctrl and alt are also used.

Also, it shows ctrl+q for “Mark as read”, but pressing that closes the application!