"No Recipient" error on email send. Email shows in drafts, but is empty on draft open


Sometimes when I try to send an email, I get a “No recipient” error and the mail is reset to only containing my signature. If I check Drafts, I can see the drafted mail body there, but when I open it it’s the same empty body.


  • OS and Version: Windows 10
  • Mailspring Version: 1.7.2


This issue still persists (also on 1.7.2 at this point). It’s a huge bug as large emails can get lost entirely and I have to rewrite them. This is happening on a daily basis.

At this point I either have to make a habit out of writing my emails in a separate program, or switch email clients entirely.

(Originally posted by deanpress on GitHub.)

I’ve had the same issue many times. I can see the preview of the message’s begging but draft is completely empty when I open it. Not even the title or recipient is saved :frowning:

Also on Windows 10 but using Mailspring 1.7.2


Just had this again in 1.74 :frowning: This is a really breaking bug as carefully thought up email drafts gets lost and inaccessible…

(Originally posted by RasheedAZ on GitHub.)

I have the same issue quite frequently. Windows 11 and Mailspring 1.9.2 - any update on this?

Just happened to me (and happened a couple of times before) on Windows 11 and Mailspring 1.10.8