Resizing Image in Composer

Most e-mail clients i have seen have a way to resize the images you import inside your composing window, you should be able to grab the corners of a picture and drag it to make the picture smaller while composing an email.

I sometimes make step by step emails with lots of images for visual reference, and it would be nice to just be able to resize the picture I import inside Mailspring without relying on other applications to do it.

(Originally posted by grandixximo on GitHub.)

(Original post had 3 upvotes.)

Hey @grandixximo this is a great idea! I’ll see if we can get this implemented sometime soon.

(Originally posted by bengotow on GitHub.)

I guess we are talking about CSS resizing here, which should be quite easy to implement I guess.

This feature is really important, I am a new “1-year payed” user, and this is my most missing feature until now.

I’m missing this feature a lot, my emails with screenshots look awful on some email clients and screens.

Any workaround until you implement this “properly”?

I think this is a really important feature in an email client.

Submitted a PR, just needs merging (after some heavy testing)