Sync templates, signatures, accounts etc accross multiple devices

I use a lot of different machines throughout the day, and it would be super awesome if Mailspring ID was able to sync settings and such across different installations of the client. If I add an account on one machine, it should automagically be added to the others. Or, if I have to reinstall the app, or install it onto a new machine, it should carry over all the accounts I already have associated with Mailspring by virtue of associating the new install with my Mailspring ID – including authentication and what not. I know lots of people cringe at 3rd party services having that kind of information but I don’t really care. Email is inherently insecure as it is, and it’s best to assume the whole world has access to your inbox anyway.

(Originally posted by V3XATI0N on GitHub.)

(36 upvotes on original issue.)

It would be great to be able to sync your app settings across multiple computers (and even cross-platform). When you set up Mailspring just the way you like it, and with a certain theme, and then you install it on another computer, you have to redo all that stuff. With sync, everything would be exactly as you like it no matter what computer you install Mailspring on, once you sign into your account.

(Originally posted by squintgit on GitHub.)

Hey! Thanks for reporting this—I agree this would be really cool, and will probably be more important once we launch the calendar feature later this summer. I’ll see if we can get it done!

(Originally posted by bengotow on GitHub; adapted for context.)

I’m looking for a new mail client as Newton is shutting down. One of the key features for me was that I didn’t need to setup my accounts (including Gmail, Exchange and IMAP - 9 in total) on all my devices (which change often).

I would like to be able to export settings, including the following, to a file (e.g. JSON) and import it on a different device:

  • Preferences
  • Accounts
  • Rules
  • Signatures
  • Templates

(Originally posted by Steppschuh on GitHub.)

(Original post had 22 upvotes.)

Can I somehow copy all of my mail routes from one PC to another? I use Mailspring on multiple computers, and have a bunch of mail routes that I would rather not have to recreate on every system. I don’t see any export/import feature built in. Is that in the works (hopefully soon) or is there ANY way for me to do it without having to re-enter everything from scratch? I don’t mind copying files or copy-pasting/editing config files.

(Originally posted by adolson on GitHub.)

I work on different computers and have different emails. I would like that when I log into Mailspring it would sync my Signatures to the new computer.

(Originally posted by RicardoEPRodrigues on GitHub.)

(12 upvotes on original issue.)

Additional duplicates:


Another thing that should be synched is the read receipts. It’s very unproductive if you send an email from one device but you cannot check if its opened from another device.

If a seemless collaboration between multiple devices is possible only for sent and received emails, i think its something that should be mentioned somewhere as a warning or something like that.

I have tried many clients so far and none has the performance nor is as feature rich as mailsping. That’s why i bought a paid subscription.


Not being able to use it seemlessly accross all workstations is a very critical disadvantage for many professionals like me who work from multiple spots and pc’s.

Is such a thing in your plans to work on in the near future?

Best regards

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I have to say that the read receipts are actually available from one pc to another so problably it’s not an issue.

I ill make some more tests in order to understand if the activity dashboard (which is great as an idea-feature) uses data from all the different workstations and come back.

When i install mailspring on a new pc, i would like to be able to export form pc1, and import ALL my settings, signatures, email accounts from the old pc to pc2 etc.
It’s super time-consuming to use the software as presently configured.

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Holly Molly, this is mind blowing…
I was trying to find an option on MailSpring (Windows) client how to sync all my accounts on a new machine… I have 10 email accounts due to contracting with multiple small businesses & managing their websites (hostings, DB’s, logins etc). First I thought the Sync option is just hidden somewhere in options, but after searching online where it is I realize there is none… This is CRAZY, that in 2021 in this online market with everything going to cloud, DaaS SaaS IoT’s etc there is mail client that actually asks you to buy “Pro” version, but doesn’t have this option, which I consider an absolute necessity! People have so many devices and so many accounts with custom signatures for each. This option was suppose to be included in the first version release. WOW


I am syncing settings using “chezmoi” (a great program), but I cannot find the file which contains the mailrules so I can sync it. Which one is it?

Is this stale?
A simple export function would also be a good start.

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I would also find that super super useful. My biggest pain point are the email rules. I got lots of them and currently have to add them to every device I use Mailspring on (> 2). That is really annoying and time-consuming. Especially because I update the mail rules on a regular basis.

It would also be great to sync the accounts. It would be okay for me, if we would have to log in once on every new device for security reasons (meaning that Mailspring syncs all settings but the password).

Import and Export could be a first step but would not solve my pain completely. I could then, however, build my automation around the import / export myself.

This is actually already sort of possible (passwords excluded) - offline that is.

Note: the location is for windows. Can someone confirm paths for other OS’ please

  1. Navigate to %appdata%\Mailspring
  2. Copy/save the config.json file
  3. Move said file to the same location on your other machine (replacing the original)
  4. If Mailspring was open, press Ctrl(or Cmd) + Shift + R. Otherwise, open Mailspring
  5. You should just need to reauthorise all of your accounts

Should be quite easy to create a plugin to be fair. May get around to it in the future

Edit: you should be able to find it by clicking Edit custom shortcuts link on the keyboard settings page

Moving all from one Ubuntu machine (A) to another Ubuntu machine (B), with Mailspring snap:

  • Stop Mailspring.
  • From A: copy ~/snap/maislpring/common.
  • At B: paste ~/snap/maislpring/common.
  • Start Mailspring.
  • Authenticate again all accounts.
  • Done!

Based on this post: [Feature Request] Sync / Export / Import Settings · Issue #1043 · Foundry376/Mailspring · GitHub

For Mac:

Navigate to: (MAC HDD name)>Users>(User Name)>Library>Application Support>Mailspring>config.json

For the rest just follow the same steps.

What is the status of this? Have tested Mailspring on laptop for a couple of weeks. Pleased and ready to go Pro - now only to realize that I have to go through and add multiple mail accounts again for every single device. This is a dealbreaker for me regrettably…

To sync mail rules (which are not part of this “common” folder), I found a workaround and described it in this other thread: Sync rules between computers - #4 by pascalbe-dev

New to Mailspring and liking what I see so far - I was shocked however to find that this feature did not exist. I assumed, naively, that since there was a central Mailspring ID - my configs/preferences would be cloud based.

Hopefully old-school rsync or a cloud drive will suffice in the meantime. Please prioritize this feature.