Archiving an email also archives the email at the top of the inbox if it has not been read yet


Archiving an email also archives the email at the top of the inbox if it has not been read yet.

To Reproduce…

I think I can reproduce this consistently:

  1. Wait until you have a brand new unread email at the top of the inbox
  2. Do not open it or mark it unread
  3. Open up any other email in the inbox and archive it
  4. In addition to the one you wanted to archive, that brand new unread email at the top of the inbox also gets archived


  • OS and Version: MacOS 10.13.2
  • Mailspring Version: 1.0.12

Additional Context

I’m using Mailspring with Gmail, so possibly this is related to Gmail.

(Originally posted by palefire19 on GitHub.)

I have similar issues, where if I archive a mail, the selection will jump to the mail above and then after a second it’ll also archive that one.
It doesn’t happen all the time, but in 1/5 cases. This is super annoying, especially because there’s a slight delay when it archives the second mail, which I sometimes miss.

(Originally posted by wdullaer on GitHub.)

I noticed a similar issue this morning: in my Inbox – grandfathered gsuite account (whatever they call it these days) – I archive the second email from the top of the inbox and Mailspring is archiving the email above it as well. Both emails have been read. This is happening regardless of which email in the list I am archiving; 2nd, 3rd, 4th from the top. All of the emails have been read and the top email is getting archived as well.

(Originally posted by gus on GitHub.)

This bug is very dangerous. I have lost multiple mails this way.

Does the archive button archive the currently selected mail?

I can reproduce the issue most of the time:

  1. Reply to a message
  2. Hit send
  3. While sending, archive the open mail
  4. While archiving, select another mail from the list pane
  5. When the old mail is finally sent and archived the newly selected and the old mail dissappear both together

The actions have to be done pretty fast so the previous action is still executing.

(Originally posted by tobias-kuendig on GitHub.)

I’ve been having the same problem, happening exactly as described. Archiving some emails seems to result in newer ones mysteriously disappearing into the “All mail” folder as well. It does not matter whether the newer one is marked read or unread though. I’ve missed quite a few messages this way :slight_smile:

(Originally posted by stevenrombauts on GitHub.)

Same problem here (not everytime)
Windows 10
Version: 1.7.4

(Originally posted by jprm on GitHub.)

I believe this is also related to these issues:

Hi there!

This is also happening to me constantly, under Ubuntu 22.04.1 and Gmail accounts.
A fix would be very appreciated.
