Google OAuth no longer working


Google integration no longer works.

To Reproduce…

  1. Add a google account
  2. Follow OAuth flow

Expected Behavior

Account is added



  • OS and Version: Linux version 5.18.19-3-MANJARO
    • Installation Method: AUR (arch user repo)
  • Mailspring Version: 1.10.0-06926efb

Hey @mreilaender - thanks for reporting this! if you upgrade Mailspring to the latest version (1.10.5), it’ll work correctly. We updated the app to support Google’s new security requirements a couple months ago. Thanks!


The issue is now resolved for me. Thanks!

Hi, I am encountering a similar issue and have a tried a full uninstall/reinstall and it is still persisting.

Any thoughts?

Today, after adding a Gmail account.


Same here. I tried to add a Gmail account and the exact same screen was shown. =[

1 Like

I am getting this error too. It’s using Oauth so I am unsure why Google is blocking it. Google doesn’t allow you to enable “Less secure apps” anymore. It’s blocked on personal as well.

I have the same problem, any idea when this will be fixed?

Same issue here. Massive pain in the butt.

There is a workaround for this.

  1. Setup MailSpring account using IMAP (not the GMAIL option)

  2. Put in your gmail address but for password you need to use a special password that Google creates for you to use with Mailspring.

  3. Setup done!

To create the password for Mailspring, login to your Google Account associated with the gmail you want to setup and go to this link:

This will give you a special password for use with Mailspring specifically.

Worked for me no problems. Hope that helps!